Saturday, October 22, 2011

Reflection upon my GAME plan experience and digital storytelling.

Throughout this EDUC 6713 course, I learned new education technology tools, self-directed learning techniques and GAME plan based teaching strategies. GAME plan was the most important and fruitful one. As I mentioned in my previous posts, GAME plan includes setting goals, taking necessary actions to achieve these goals, monitoring the progress, evaluating the outcome and extend the GAME plan if necessary (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009). Developing and following GAME plan to improve myself was so exciting. I set goals, took necessary actions, monitored my progress and evaluated the outcome. Now I have a few friends who are willing to read an article together with me every Friday night. Together, I am sure that we will follow the new trends in education technology and physics area. Additionally, we will discuss our teaching strategies under the light of articles that we read. In the future, we may create a forum or wiki. Everybody can post the articles that they found to the wiki page, and we can deepen our discussions after choosing one article. Meanwhile, anybody can read or comment to the posts that we share in our wiki or forum page. One day we might have a community with thousands of members who are willing to develop themselves. Thanks to this course and my another GAME plan, I and my students learned a lot about digital storytelling. I shared my ideas with my students, and I am happy to see that they are interested. First digital stories about my content area will be ready soon.

Additionally, I acknowledged that I can use GAME plan strategy while teaching my subject. Creating daily lesson plan with using GAME strategy was amazing. I learned a lot from using the GAME plan, and I will always consider using GAME plan strategy while preparing my daily lesson plans. Especially setting goals and self-assessing the progress with using GAME plan strategy will help my students to achieve their goals and assess their own performance. So far, I decided to use self assessment in my classes. Accordingly, I will ask students to monitor their progress while doing their project. This is something that I did not do before.

Other than GAME plan, I learned new technology tools and teaching strategies that I can use in my classes For instance, I will use digital storytelling as an alternative performance assignment. Auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners can benefit from digital storytelling. Educational networking or so called social networking is another tool that I will use (Laureate Education, 2010). Students can communicate and get help from real people who are working in related areas to solve real world problems. To teach with technology specifically, is a lifelong journey, and I am learning a new education technology tool in every course (Cennamo, et al., 2009).

Technology, education tools, students and the world change so fast. In this changing world, I have to renew myself and learn new things so that I can help my students and guide them in their life journey. I will always ask “what do students need to learn”, “how can I improve my teaching strategies” and “how can I make sure that I did not left any of my students behind”. I will update my answers with doing research, making observation and creating and completing GAME plans.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010a). Program number 10: Spotlight on Technology: Social Networking and Online Collaboration: Part I [DVD]. Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas. Baltimore, MD: Author.


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