Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Everything Works: A new approach to teach physics

I would like to introduce you a physics textbook that I liked a lot.
How everything works, written by Louis Bloomfield.

Bloomfield describes his book and curriculum as below;

How Things Work is a curriculum for non-science students that introduces them to physics in the context of everyday objects. How Things Work reverses the traditional format of physics courses by starting with whole objects and looking inside them to see what makes them work. Because it concentrates on concepts rather than math, and on familiar objects rather than abstract constructs, How Things Work serves both to reduce students' fears of science and to convey to them a substantial understanding of our modern technological world.  

Students will acknowledge that understanding of physics as a basic skill will assist them in innumerable situations throughout their adult lives. 

Curriculum Goals

  • To begin to see science in everyday life
  • To learn that science isn't frightening
  • To learn to think logically in order to solve problems
  • To develop and expand your physical intuition
  • To learn how things work
  • To begin to understand that the universe is predictable rather than magical
  • To obtain a perspective on the history of science and technology 
 You can find more information about his teaching method at:


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